Finding Your True Purpose: A Journey Within

True Purpose

True Purpose


I worked so much a few years ago that I neglected my friends, family, and health. My focus on becoming a profitable business owner caused me to lose sight of what mattered. Somehow, my fantasy became my actual state of being anxious, obese, and depressed. My true purpose in life was now work, so I started my company like many other entrepreneurs, hoping to become independent to see if It could control my fate and eventually be content with success and wealth, but It did not. I was heartbroken. I will not bore you with business jargon, but I want to share critical ideas I discovered that completely changed my life.

Finding Your True Purpose: A Journey Within
Finding Your True Purpose: A Journey Within

Examine Your Interests, Hobbies, Abilities, Talents, And Gifts

Your journal lists your interests, talents, abilities, skills, and pastimes. Consider your strengths, childhood interests, and ideal career path, which will maximise your unique skills. Just write “what I love & what I am good at” on your page and let your pen do the talking. Additionally, you can ask those closest to you about their impressions of your abilities, skills, and strengths. They occasionally see things that we are unable to see.

Once you have dedicated time and effort to the practices above, review your notes and look for trends, a recurring theme, and observations. Approaching those practices with love, curiosity, and genuine interest will help you discover yourself. They are mighty and insightful.

What Is A Purposeful Life? 

I have been thinking about how to discover my life’s purpose for a while now. I have sought answers from various sources, including books, social media, and close friends. I am on a journey of self-discovery, and I want to share some of my ideas with you. Life is essentially about “survival,” at most. It is our primary source of motivation and the reason we wake up in the morning. But is this enough to justify our existence?

I have worked with numerous executives to help them develop personally and professionally. Successful leaders know what they hope to accomplish and how to get there. They approach their leadership role with a clear personal vision, passion, enthusiasm, and commitment. With the majority of the other people I interact with, the same holds.

Finding Your True Purpose: A Journey Within
True Purpose

People with a distinct life purpose lead the happiest and most fulfilling lives. Above all, they derive significance and worth from their work. Numerous studies have shown that those who have a clear purpose in life are happier, healthier, and live longer than those who do not. Essentially, there are two essential components to a life with meaning:

  • Something you are passionate about and feel good about, Something that has an impact and is more significant than you

  • Unfortunately, because we are so engrossed in our daily activities and routines, most of us hardly ever take the time to reflect deeply on our life purpose. Our daily routine activities, jobs, and family obligations frequently leave us feeling overburdened.

Create A Mindful Life Map

If you are artistic, try making a scrapbook that graphically represents all the significant events in your life, both the highs and the lows. You can include doodles, tickets, pictures, and snippets. After you have finished, reflect on your journey and identify any recurring themes or particularly satisfying times. You may even discover that a brief meditation session facilitates more thoughtful introspection. These are the silent moments when your purpose may begin to emerge.

Make New Friends And Establish An Inspiring Community

Finding others who share your passions, whether in a class, community, or online group, is the best place to start. Be in the company of like-minded individuals who are seeking their meaning in life and who will gently push you to advance personally. You might think about organising a regular “purpose potluck,” where friends bring a dish and exchange stories if you have other friends looking for meaning in their lives. These could be about their passion, a project they are working on, or the times they felt most alive.

Open A Jar Of Passion

What causes you to lose track of time, ask yourself? What cheers you up? Jot down these tasks on vibrant pieces of paper. Place them inside a jar. Draw one and complete that task every day. You may be pressuring yourself to do things you believe you should if you dread or avoid particular slips of paper in the jar. You will eventually discover the activities you enjoy and those you don’t.

Investigate Your Passions

Investigating the aspects of life you enjoy, even if they seem insignificant, can be beneficial. Engaging in small-scale hobbies can inspire ideas within you that could eventually lead to a larger goal. It is possible that you have always loved yoga and that you would enjoy instructing others in it. Or you have always been a hiking enthusiast and later discovered you can guide hikers on excursions. One of the best ways to fill your joy cup and get closer to your life’s purpose is to investigate what makes you happy.

Have A Dream Day Job

Having a dream
True Purpose

Imagine yourself working at your ideal job for a day. Desire to work as a travel writer? Compose a blog entry. Have you ever considered a dance career? Attend a dance course. Putting these “fantasies” into reality lets you discover what speaks to you.

Construct A Mentor Map

Consider the people who inspire you, whether they are writers, artists, friends, or famous historical figures. Make a mind map that links their accomplishments to your favourite aspects of them. This can point you toward pursuits or industries that support your mission.

Inner Tranquilly 

Life takes on a new significance when we discover our soul’s purpose and become aware of it. We require harmony, balance, calm, and stillness to communicate with our souls. Silence provides the answers we seek. Can you trust your inner wisdom and hear your inner voice? Regularly engaging in silent practices, such as meditation, sitting meditation, prayer, or unplugged time in nature, can enhance your capacity to tune into your inner voice and soul’s whispers when your mind is at ease and creative ideas and clarity flow effortlessly. Because our most creative states occur when our brains are at ease, when fighting against yourself, you cannot accomplish anything or help others. Make an effort to live in inner peace and assist others in doing the same. Self-love, self-care, and self-compassion are essential to achieving that.

Enjoy The Trip, Have Patience, And Have Faith In The Process

Discovering our life’s purpose is a process rather than a final goal—a journey requiring commitment, perseverance, and time. The process becomes more joyful, entertaining, and fulfilling than when we arrive at our destination; it takes the path of simply being authentic. You will be living your purpose and not needing to ask what it is when you are completely and utterly yourself. That is all there is to it. It is just the two of you! Not who you believe yourself to be, but who you are—and getting there may require time and introspection.

You do not get to pick the purpose. It is not Something you do; instead, it is who you are. You need to give in to getting to know yourself better and realising your unique talents. You already have it. You will know you have found your purpose when you can fulfil the two primary spiritual needs of others’ needs and your personal growth. The cornerstone of a well-rounded life is discovering, accepting, and living out your purpose. It raises issues and ideas that may not be comfortable, so it takes some bravery. Still, it is worthwhile.

Your sense of purpose gives you an internal compass to help you make decisions and point you towards the experiences that will enlighten your soul. My life has significance and worth since I have discovered my life’s purpose, which has brought me the greatest joy and genuine fulfilment. The feeling of fulfilment is what we want—not a material object. Because fulfilment involves experiencing profound joy and having a purpose greater than oneself, it goes beyond simple happiness.

Go Through

Reading fosters relationships with strangers locally and globally, and studies have shown that this connection is associated with a feeling of meaning and purpose. (Note: “Purpose” and “meaning” are distinct but related to social-scientific concepts. While meaning encompasses much more and typically includes value, efficacy, and self-worth, purpose is a meaning component.)

Leslie Francis, for instance, examined almost 26,000 teenagers from England and Wales in a 2010 paper and discovered that those who read the Bible more frequently tended to have a stronger sense of purpose. Additionally, reading for pleasure has an impact. Raymond A. Mar and colleagues discovered a connection between teenage readers of fiction and poetry and a feeling of purpose in a survey of empirical research.

“Reading fiction might give teenagers specific insight into a lifespan without requiring them to have fully lived the majority of their own lives, allowing them to reason about the whole lives of characters,” the authors propose. Teens are more likely to find meaning in their own lives if they can see it in the lives of others. Purpose is, therefore, an act of the imagination.

Develop Wonder, Thankfulness, And Selflessness

Develop Wonder, Thankfulness, And Selflessness
True Purpose

Awe can serve as the emotional basis for a sense of purpose because it connects us to Something greater than ourselves, according to several studies by Dacher Keltner of the Greater Good Science Centre.


Find your true purpose through patience, experimentation, and introspection on this personal and rewarding journey. Discover your passions and talents first. Consider what makes you happy and fulfilled. Remember that living a purposeful life requires both self-fulfilment and service. Make a life map, meet inspiring people, and try new things to find what interests you. Find awe, peace, and gratitude. Read widely to expand your horizons and inspire creativity. Above all, trust the process, be kind to yourself, and enjoy finding and following your calling. Your purpose reflects who you are, not just what you do.

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